More Than A Fairy Tale
Before you read this, ask yourself,
"Do you believe God can do the Impossible?"
A lot of people nowadays treat the story about Jesus, as a fairy tale; a great bedtime story. Children are being taught that a big bang created the world, and the Word of God is trapping dust on the shelf with other story books such as Snow White or Cinderella. Sadly, we ALL know that it's above those, but how real is God to you?
From Genesis to Revelation it is about one being; God. Every story from Adam and Eve, to the death of Jesus, and everything between and after is about God. Although God is very creative, and He works in ways that we will never comprehend, we cannot live our lives as it is half real, and half fake.
There are ways that we can compare God's work to a fairy tale:
- There is a story: God's glory.
- There is a plot: Redemption.
- There is a wager: Life and death.
- Downfall: The birth of man
- Climax: The Resurrection of Jesus
- Villain: Devil
- Hero: God
God is so good, that He set the story of redemption up this way, to ultimately turn heads and affect lives. No mere human author could have thought of this, to have a predestinated plan, to save the people He created, from themselves!
"When (have) you heard a story of the hero dying for the villain?"- Andy Mineo
Because of the moment Adam betrayed God's first commandment, sin entered into the human DNA. By nature we are sinful. Think about it, have you ever had to teach a kid how to steal from a candy store?
That's what I thought.
So, since by nature, we basically betray God, replacing satisfaction in the Creator with the creation, until someone, bold, perfect, and sinless comes along to take the punishment in place of the sinful, we cannot become one with our creator (Romans 1:24-25). So since God realizes that the only one who can fulfill this requirement is Himself alone, He comes down as Jesus, to redeem the people that were lost without Him. We are the villains but, since God is good, ultimately God wins.
So, back to my question earlier,
Do you believe that God can do the impossible?
Here's the challenge, how much do you talk to Him? Do you pray as much as you talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you turn to God in storms or turn away from Him? Ask yourself these questions.
If you truly believe that God is REAL, you would know that God does the impossible. Jesus came to die, yet He rose 3 days after His "death" for people that deny Him from day to day. If you knew God's glory was more than a fairy tale, you would have the faith to call on Him, with whatever your need is. (Romans 10:13) He is all powerful, and He is God.
Do you compare God to a Fairy Tale?
Because it is so much more than that.