Letting Go
New Years resolutions, everyone has them. And 90% of those who don't complain about the one's who do and post their thoughts on Facebook. Every year, even I try to evaluate myself in an attempt to figure out what things I can become more effective in. This year, is a lot different.
We take on these New Year resolutions in an attempt to fix ourselves. While they are needed most of the time (because there are always ways that we can better ourselves), what drives this trouble-shooting of ourselves? Is it our insecurities? Could it be about weight perhaps?
"I'm going to exercise and eat healthier!"
Is it because your not maintaining your physique the way God intended you to, or is it because your identity is in that? Therefore you make a covenant(pact) with yourself saying that you will do whatever it takes to maintain your identity. What about being morally sound?
"I am going to start this year off fresh. No cursing or partying. New Year, new me!"
Is that because God Makes All Things New? Or is it because you're tired of the life you have been living for so long, and you long to find satisfaction but it has been in everything that doesn't last longer than a few months.
These are only two examples out of the millions we will and have seen on Twitter. Every year, it seems like the same thing. Same album, different song. We suck, and WE want to fix it, but somehow, it seems that we end up in the same place.
I have some good news! Throw a party! Pop bottles(Sparkling Cider, of course if your like me and under 21)! You do not have to add on one more item to your checklist for 2013! Instead, Let it Go.
First of, not letting go of things, physically, and emotionally, are simply a self-control issues. Self-control issues are simply trust issues. They are trust issues because, when we think about letting go of the rope, we do not truly trust the One who will break our fall, which is in this case is Jesus. Therefore, we hang on to our problems, frustrations, hardships, and etc. hoping that one day, the right resolution or fix will be the end all of our tribulations.
We were born, broken. And unless a doctor that specializes in soul surgery can fix us, we are left hopeless for eternity. And never in my life have I heard of somebody performing soul surgery on themselves. Let's face it, if loving Jesus more is not the center of our resolutions, our resolutions are just make up, on our dying spirits. A dying person does not need make up folks! GET THEM SOME HYDRATION! Luckily, Jesus tells us who He is and what He has come to do. To offer us eternal life! Soul Surgery! You thirsty?
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”
John 4:13-15
And one may ask, "Well, hold on for one second. I can't only drink water. I need to eat to live too!"
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
John 6:35
So He is enough, even figuratively! Contrary to secular belief, Jesus + Nothing= Everything, is in fact, a true statement. When you have nothing but Him, He is enough. He doesn't need you to add things such as resolutions or goals to make the equation sweeter than it is. It's simple enough for those who even hate math! Hallelujah!
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
So, let go. Let go of the situations that have slipped away from your worldly grasp to where you have forgotten who ultimately is in control. Let go of the legalistic checklist that has made you forget who exactly you were doing these things for. Let go of the burden of finding love in hopeless places, and remember who most importantly and undeniably loved you first. Jesus tells us, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:26), and Peter exhorts us to give all our burdens to Christ, who loves us (1 Peter 5:7) because Peter, Jesus, GOD understands that there is nothing we can do that can fix us!
Therefore He sent Jesus Christ and, He made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21).
This is the best New Years resolution ever! The best part about it, you didn't do anything!
Then Jesus told his disciples,“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
Matthew 16:24
The text above does not say, drop a few pounds and follow me. Or get your act together, and follow me. Not even go to church every Sunday, and follow me. As human beings we hold on to lies and items that are here one day, and gone the next. It seems as if what is most important to us is what's not going to be here for very long. Jesus is here to stay.
So, this New Years, drop the resolutions. Take up your cross. Follow Him. Do you believe?
If so, then
Let Go.